The Kasimovskaya Alternative

  • Antifascist project
  • Counter-cultural project
  • Ecological project
  • Anarchist project
  • Human-right project
  • Town newspaper "The Way to Freedom"
  • Publishing group "The Third Way"
  • Annual festival of non-commercial and independent music
  • Head-quarters of the international radical ecological movement "Rainbow Keepers"
  • Central archives of "Rainbow Keepers"
  • The program of Social-Ecologicai Union "Localization"
  • All that things and many others...
  • P.O.Box 52, Kasimov, Ryazan Region, 391330, Russia,
    tel.+7 (09131)4 15 14 µµµµ
    The Kasimovskaya Alternative µ µµµµ

    Mission: Creating in the concrete region (the city of Kasimov in the Ryazan Region) the active model of the society which is orientated towards social-ecological values (absolute priority of Life and Freedom) with proper political , cultural, social and economical mechanisms, and also soft mechanisms of protection from the sistem.

    Explanations: Departure, in a sense, from frontal and total conflict with the sistem, concentration of efforts and resources on the separate territory (but, at the same time, without departure from reality).

    Strategical task-minimum: 1. Creating in the region strong civil society and model of democratic self-government attractive for reproduction in the other regions of the country. 2. Creating the base of the movement "Rainbow Keepers".

    Strategical task-maximum: 1. Creating on foundation of the region free territory based on principles of ecological anarchism or similar principles. 2. Creating the base for total social-ecological changes in the country.

    Tasks and stages

    Blok 1. Preparation.

    1. Working out the program "Kasimovskaya Alternative"

  • discussions of the theme in the electron nets of social organizations and on the pages of their publications, on the seminars, conferences etc (the work was begun in 1998, summer);
  • carring out regular meetings of activists engaged in the project (since November, 1998);
  • carring out the conference of "Rainbow Keepers" (RK) in connection with working out the program (May, 1999);
  • dividing up spheres of responsibility among the participants of the project, making a schedule and a list of necessary resources and the ways of their mobilization (since May, 1999);
  • concluding an agreement between RK and The Social-Ecological Union (SEU).
  • 2. Mobilization and concentration of potential, engaging new participants in the project

  • - rezolutions about central project and special funds at the conference of RK;
  • - work at The SEU - through the program "Localization", conferences of SEU and the Council of SEU. Making "The Kasimovskaya Alternative" one of the priorities of activity of SEU;
  • - distributing the program "The Kasimovskaya Alternative" among social organizations (since May, 1999);µµµµ
  • - publishing propaganda materials in "The Bereginya" and other publications of ecological movement and also in the publications of other movements.
  • 3. Creating the base (the first project in Kasimov)

  • acquirement of the house (November, 1998);
  • installation of a telephone and E-mail (the telephone is installed);
  • concentration of several central functions of RK in Kasimov (archives, head-quarters etc., since May, 1999);
  • starting the first social project;
  • town newspaper "The Way to Freedom"; selling alternative publications (since 1999);
  • creation of special fund of RK;
  • base of vacancies and real estate for provision of employment of the participants of the project.
  • 4. Drawing investitions to "The Kasimovskaya Alternative"

  • searches of means for "development of free society", for ecological projects in Kasimov etc. through funds or means of social organizations engaged in the project;
  • starting repaid projects - cafe, book-shop etc.;
  • an English-speaking volunteer for communication.
  • 5. Development of the projects

  • assistance to the organizations who wish to create their own projects in Kasimov;
  • creating economical base of the project - that is repaid progects, perhaps, with consolidation of some part of means into total fund of the project (publishing, conference-center, alternative or ecological tourism etc.);
  • carring out regular conferences with corrections or additions to the program "The Kasimovskaya Alternative", engaging new strengthes etc. (since May, 1999);
  • creation agrarian sector (buying a neglected village in the region);
  • concluding agreement with other alternative projects;
  • transferring in Kasimov offices of SEU (the program "The Localization" etc.) and other organizations, for example, correspondent office of "The Bereginya" - Agency of Volzhskaya Ecological Information (AVE-info)...
  • Blok 2. Infiltration.

    Working out the program of alternative (non-industrial) development of the region and town

  • searches of experts and engaging them in the project;
  • regular seminars (perhaps, of international level).
  • 6. Development of alternative civil society

  • creating or assistance in creating of blok of social organizations (ecological, juridical, trade-unions) in Kasimov;
  • creating mass organization with anarchist orientation (Federation of Anarchists) and mass trade-union with anarchist orientation;
  • starting RK's public projects of "The Kasimovskaya Alternativa" (publishing newspaper, radio station, book-shop, library, club);
  • creating open lecturing bureau (then - university, college), work of participants of the project in cultural and educational institutions.
  • 7. Remaking political sistem

  • working out the program of political actions;
  • sistem of regular gatherings of residents (turning in the sistem of referendums);
  • sistem of participation of society in acceptance of decisions;
  • direct control over the bodies of local self-government, possible participation of the project in local election;
  • attempts to realize some elements of alternative by means of existing agencies (for example, to use Volunteer Public Order Squad for people's self-defence from criminals).
  • 8. Remaking economical sistem

  • working out principles of alternative economics (releasing time, creative work, orientation on simple, long-lived products);
  • soft departure from regional and federal taxes;
  • removing maximum possible part of local economics from financial sphere;
  • total exployment at the expense of reduction of working time;
  • stopping moving markeable floods to the intra-regional level;
  • stimulation and support of small business (without hired labour),cooperatives (with equal share participation) and municipal enterprises ( especially oriented towards local consumption). Soft superseding other subjects of economics, hard superseding trans-national corporations.
  • 9. Laying cultural bombs

  • propaganda of RK and other movements as the only alternative;
  • toponimical policy (calling streets, populated areas, natural objects politically attractive names);
  • square of three cultures;
  • memorials, museums to anarchist classics;
  • renaming the region in "revolutionary" or "autonomous";
  • Blok 3. Expansion.

    10. Popularization of "The Kasimovskaya Alternative" in mass mentality over the country

  • epatage (but connected with the idea) statements and internal decisions;
  • creating special press service and juridical department;
  • publication of natural newspaper from Kasimov, radio station and other mass media;
  • continuation of RK's work outside the region in former (or bigger) volume.
  • 11. Making alternative nets

  • direct agreements with subjects of alternative space (Chiapas, etc.) and also similar regions;
  • propaganda through the associations of self-government, small towns and other structures;
  • 12. Reaching real autonomy

  • constitutional possibilities;
  • possibility of soft departure from political-economical space of the country;
  • political confrontation (with consolidation of all society and possibility of creating parallel structures of self-government in the case of liquidation of the official structures).
  • Send your sugestions with regard to development of "The Kasimovskaya Alternative", organization of your own projects or participation in the existing projects on the above-mentioned adress.